Tap Fantasy IDO Whitelist

Tap Fantasy IDO Whitelist

Closed IDO & IGO Whitelists

TrustPad x Tap Fantasy | 100 x Winners – Guaranteed IDO Allocation

Welcome to Tap Fantasy x TrustPad Whitelist Competition

We are giving away a $75 allocation to 100 lucky winners for the upcoming Tap Fantasy IDO on TrustPad! 🔥​​

Each winner will have a guaranteed opportunity to invest $75 in the pre-public round of Tap Fantasy on TrustPad.


A total reward worth $7,500* 🔥

How to participate?

Click here to register

💡 Simply enter your details, and follow the instructions below.

Every entry counts!More actions = more chances to win ✌️


Winners: 100 Allocation size: $75

Tap Fantasy IDO starts: January 8th, 11:00 UTC on TrustPad

The winners will be announced on TrustPad’s Twitter and Telegram Ann Channel!

Good Luck!
TrustPad website: trustpad.io
TrustPad Telegram: t.me/TrustPad