Welcome to Nest Arcade x TrustPad Whitelist Competition
TrustPad x Nest Arcade | 100 x Winners – Guaranteed IDO Allocation
We are giving away a $50 allocation to 100 lucky winners for the upcoming Nest Arcade IDO on TrustPad! 🔥
Each winner will have a guaranteed opportunity to invest $50 in the pre-public round ofNest Arcade on TrustPad.
A total reward worth $5,000* 🔥
How to participate?
💡 Simply enter your details, and follow the instructions at the form.
Every entry counts!More actions = more chances to win ✌️
Nest Arcade IDO Whitelist on Solanium

Nest Arcade is a platform built on Solana where users can play dozens of P2E games all in one place. Fuelled by $NEST
Nest will be the first ‘play to earn’ arcade app on the blockchain. The goal is to massively accelerate blockchain adoption through a remarkably simple app such as Netflix but for mini-medium scale games. Players will be able to own their in-game characters using NFTs and play them in a variety of Play To Earn games.
Nest will use their own SPL token ($NEST)
Earn $Nest Playing Games
Earn $NEST while playing casual games on the platform! $NEST is a tradable cryptocurrency built on Solana
- On-Platform Rewards
- In-Game Earnings
- Purchase Digital Assets
Gauthier is the co-founder, CTO and lead blockchain developer for Nest. Gauthier originally specialized in Machine Learning and Artificial intelligence and holds masters degrees from Ecole Polytechnique and Ecole Normale Superieure. He first worked as a quantitative trader before moving to the blockchain industry
Tye is the co-founder, CMO, lead brand and marketing strategist for Nest Arcade. Tye specializes in ABX (Account-Based-Marketing) for both B2B and B2C acquisition. Tye helped co-found 2x web2 marketing startups from 2019–2021 and is now full time in NFTs and blockchain gaming.
Nest Arcade has successfully raised $2.9M total with world’s leading ventures including Solanium ventures, Solar Eco Fund, AVG, Oddiyana ventures, Oracle Investment Group, Dutch Crypto Investors, Carl the Moon, Unilayer, Fishdao, NetVrK,, Orion Depp, and more
We are extremely proud to bring Nest Arcade to the Solanium community — sharing the best with our community.
We would like to once again remind our community that once you have successfully KYC’d in any of our IDOs — you can use the same wallet address to participate in subsequent Solanium project launches (without needing to do the verification process again)
We have also opened KYC for Tier 4 and 5 (Guaranteed Allocation) stakers — Go to the sidebar and click on Identity Verification

Nest Arcade — IDO Details
- Token: $NEST
- Price Per Token: 0.01
- Number of Tokens: 40,000,000 NEST
- Accepted Currency: USDC
- Total raise in Public Sale: $400,000 USDC
- Distribution: Vested — 20% TGE, 20% every month for 4 months
Nest Arcade — IDO Timeline (UTC)
- Whitelist Start: Mar 2, 2022–12:00:00 PM
- Whitelist Lottery Results: Mar 4, 2022–2:00:00 PM
== KYC for Whitelist Winners ==
- Sale Start: Mar 4, 2022–2:00:00 PM
- Distribution: Mar 8, 2022–2:20:00 PM
How to participate in whitelist for Nest Arcade
1️⃣ ️Whitelist Start: Mar 4, 2022–12:00:00 PM (UTC)
2️⃣ Go to https://www.solanium.io/project/nest-arcade
3️⃣️ Connect your Solana wallet
4️⃣ Connect your Telegram
5️⃣ Follow the tasks to increase your chance of winning the allocation
6️⃣ Participate in the Referral Campaign to gain the additional social ticket(s)
Social Pool
A percentage of the to-be-sold tokens will be allocated to the Social Pool.
You can collect Social Tickets by performing various social tasks such as Telegram and Twitter Tasks
Staking Pool
A large part of the to-be-sold tokens will be allocated to Staking Pool tickets.
You can only get Staking Pool tickets by staking SLIM or SLIM-LP tokens.
Increase your Staking Pool tickets by increasing your token stake or extending your lock time
Staking pool ticket is an estimation and the final snapshot will be taken at the time of lottery results
Please note:
- Please beware of the fake bots sending you messages — Do check with our amazing CM’s for any suspicious messages
- Always check the URL you’re visiting: Solanium.io
- “the NEST tokens nor the transactions for them have not been registered under the Unites States Securities Act of 1933 and any related securities may not offered or sold in the United States or to United States persons unless registered with the Securities Exchange Commission or if a registration exemption is available”
Nest Arcade Socials (Beware of Scammers, Nest Arcade Team will not DM You for funds):
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheNestArcade
Channel: https://t.me/nestarcade
Discord: https://discord.gg/CjtJpCswvM
Website: https://nestarcade.io/
Solanium Socials:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/solanium_io
Telegram Lobby: https://t.me/solanium_io_chat
Telegram Announcement Channel: https://t.me/solanium_io
Nest Arcade IDO Whitelist on Oxbull

There will be 2 hosted rounds by Oxbull.Tech. Private round for all Tier-1 OXS qualifiers has concluded on the 6th Jan, and a Public IDO for all OXS qualifiers on the 3rd March 2022
Nest Private Sale: CONCLUDED
To Join the Public IDO,
1. Stake OXS into the Staking pool.
2. head over to the OXS pool page to contribute on the 3rd March 2022, 1630UTC onwards.
For full details, read on:
Website: https://nestarcade.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheNestArcade
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/CjtJpCswvM
Telegram: https://t.me/nestarcade
Telegram(announcement): https://t.me/nestarcadenews
Quick to play mini-games such as angry birds, candy crush, and Flappy birds are pretty much a billion-dollar industry in it’s own. However, players are not financially rewarded for their effort in the current state. With the rising interest and awareness of blockchain gaming, players are now discovering they can be finally rewarded for playing games. We believe this is where the future is headed and see a massive opportunity to capitalize on the growing demand and interest of blockchain gaming.
With that in mind, there are massive audience for Nest.
Nest Arcade aims to be the first ‘Play to Earn’ arcade that unites millions of crypto enthusiasts and casual gamers into a community where they can play mini-games, purchase characters and items as NTFS and whilst ensuring that their time and effort are rewarded. The Nest platform boasts simplistic yet innovative features at the same time. The platform itself will be a fun modern design that simply hosts a variety of mini-games.
The platform over time also endeavors to provide value to, not only gamers, but also developers. Such as:
Value For Game Developers:
- Convenience, host games quickly with P2E functionality
- Pre-congregated audience. Immediately have your game in-front of thousands of users
- Performance based In-game earnings. Earn transaction fee royalties and promote your NFTS
- Trust and Support. Focus on building incredible games, Nest handles the rest, even for developers without blockchain experience
- All in one marketplace for trading in-game NFTs to players and collectors
Value For Players And Community:
- Hundreds of profitable and engaging games on one App
- Play-To-Earn. Earn crypto currency by interacting with any game mode.
- Connectivity. Connect with friends and others through multiplayer game modes.
- Multiplayer. Wager and win with friends and others in supported game modes.
For more info about the project and their features, read the whitepaper here.
Tokenomics and Utility
Nest’s NFT marketplace will use Solana or fiat payment as currency where as the native token, Feather $FTH will be used for all in game operations.
Holders of $FTH will also get discounted access to asset drops that will be available for purchase prior to general release. holders will also get early beta access to the app and will be the first ones invited to test new features.

- Seed: 9.5%, 6% to be released during Token Generation, followed by Monthly linear release over 12 months
- Private Round: 15%, 8% to be released during Token Generation, followed by Monthly linear release over 9 months
- Public IDO: 9.5%, 20% to be released during Token Generation, followed by Monthly linear release over 4 months
- Liquidity: 4%, Locked for 12 months
- Marketing: 6%
- In-Game rewards: 20%
- Staking: 10%
- Team: 15%, Locked for 9 months, followed by Monthly linear release over 12 months
- Advisors: 3%, Locked for 4 months, followed by Monthly linear release over 12 months
- Partnerships: 3%
- Future Developments: 5%
Private Price: $0.008
IDO Price: $0.01Listing is currently being scheduled on the 8th March 2022 at approximately 1400UTC.
To participate, you need to stake OXS into the new Staking Pool. Tier participation details are as follows:
For the Public IDO: (RESUMED)

Tier-1 and 2 Qualifying Deadline: 3rd March 2022, 0001 UTC
Tier-1 Contribution: 3rd March 2022, 1630UTC
Tier-2 and 3 Contribution: 4th March 2022
Tier 3 Gleam:https://gleam.io/8pp4f/oxs-whitelist-nest-arcade
Contribution opens here:https://www.oxbull.tech/#/solana-pool
IMPORTANT NOTES FOR PUBLIC IDO: Qualification of Tier-1 and 2 will require STAKING. In the event where an Investor who has not Staked but has the required number of holdings SHALL NOT be eligible for the aforementioned tiers.
Each qualified address will only be eligible for ONE transaction. Meaning if an address is qualified for tier 1, they will not be qualified for tier 2.
Nest Arcade IDO Whitelist on MoonStarter (closed)
Dear Community,
We are happy to announce that Nest Arcade has selected MoonStarter as one of their launchpads for their IDO.
About Nest Arcade
Nest is a Play-to-Earn (P2E) arcade app running on the blockchain. Its goal is to massively accelerate blockchain adoption through a simple app such as Netflix but for mini-medium scale games.
Players will be able to own their in-game characters using NFTs and play them in a variety of P2E games.
In order to bring gameplay variety, Nest will launch dozens of high-end mini-games per year to be hosted on the app. Every new mini-game launched will bring a new audience of players and give the current users more game modes to engage with.
Nest’s main features for players are:
- Staking: Locking playable NFTs and $NEST to earn recurring token rewards and benefits
- Multiplayer Game modes
- Tournaments: Compete with friends and others in games to win prizes, NFTs and tokens
- Purchasable power ups: Enhance gameplay by purchasing power ups for specific game types using $NEST tokens
- NFT High-scores: Mint your high-score as an NFT in real time
Running on Solana, the Nest Arcade token ($NEST). Its utility consists of:
- In-game currency: Each in-app operation will be priced in fiat and payable in SOL or in $NEST. This double pricing is aimed to drive $NEST price dynamic
- Staking: Holders will be able to stake their $NEST tokens to earn an APY and unlock additional benefit’s within Nest Arcade
- Earnings: Users will earn $NEST tokens while playing games and using Nest Arcade products. To incentivize NFT ownership, players will experience a boost in earning when owning the relevant NFT
- Purchases: Users trade $NEST to purchase digital assets and NFTS on the Nest Marketplace
- Rewards: Users can earn $NEST through weekly platform rewards and bonuses along with other prizes, NFTS and more
For more details, please refer to the whitepaper HERE.
Token Metrics
- Initial market cap excluding liquidity: $320,200
- Read more about the tokenomics
IDO Details
- Contribution chain: BSC
- Distribution chain: Solana
- Date: 02 March 2022 at 12 PM UTC
- Price per token: $0.01; 20% at TGE, then 20% monthly
- Total allocation: $100,000
How to participate ?
Please refer to our Medium article explaining our Tier System to get more info about our 2 paths to secure an allocation for Nest Arcade. In order to participate, you have to complete the Google Form HERE before February 28th, 2022 at 11:59 PM (UTC).
For The Galaxy Path, you will need to start staking MNST by February 26th, 2022 at 11:59 PM (UTC), at the latest.
Whitelist results will be published on March 1st at 1PM (UTC).
For The Competition Path, you will have to perform tasks of Gleam Competition. You can start by clicking HERE.
Important! You will need to hold at least 1000 MNST to qualify for the competition.
For both paths, KYC is required and you need to have it approved by February 28th, 2022 at 11:59 PM (UTC) — KYC Link HERE.
If you encounter any issue with your KYC process, please get in touch with our partner Fractal through one of the following channels:
About MoonStarter
MoonStarter’s mission is to be the single-stop multi-chain launchpad for selected projects without distinction of the blockchain used. While the current project landscape is scattered and dependent on the blockchain used, MoonStarter aims to offer the possibility to launch on one or multiple selected blockchains, using only one token on the Binance Smart Chain.