Kaon IDO Whitelist

Kaon IDO Whitelist

Closed IDO & IGO Whitelists

Kaon IDO Launching on Xion Finance on 1st Mar, 2022!

Kaon is a listing and shopping platform for all publishers and viewers.

Users can view, watch and manage all the posts of the publishers they follow on different platforms through a single platform. Users can Q&A, sell their own content, and make all donations and payments with KAON tokens or stable coins with low commissions through the application.
Join the Kaon Community:

Website | Telegram | Twitter | Whitepaper
Kaon IDO Details on Xion Finance

Token: Kaon ($KAON)
Network: BSC; raise in BTC, ETH, LTC, XRP, DASH, BCH, XGT, USDT, xDAI
Total Supply: 750,000,000 KAON
Initial Market Cap: $150,000 / 300,000,000 KAON
Xion Finance Sale Date: 1st Mar 2022, 10:00 am UTC

Xion Finance Allocation: $150,000
IDO Price: $0.0005 per KAON excl. tx/gas fees
Vesting: 30% TGE, then 10% linear monthly release
Token Listing Date: TBA
Distribution: Claimable on Kaon Website
Airdrop: $5,000 KAON split between all IDO participants
How to participate with Xion Finance

Head to the Xion Finance marketplace to view the Kaon IDO here.

Xion Finance uses a Tier System to determine the amount of guaranteed allocation a participant is entitled to. These levels start from 250 XGT being staked in the IDO/INO staking pools and can go up to 58k XGT. The multiplier assigned to each tier calculates how much allocation is provided per a base allocation, which is set once your XGT stake is automatically locked 6 hours before the start of the sale/raise.

You can review and stake into the Tiers by clicking here.
Getting XGT

The Xion Finance homepage has ‘BUY XGT’ button’s that will take you to either the Honeyswap DEX on the Gnosis chain or PancakeSwap on BSC.

If you cannot find XGT V2 then manually use this contract address:
Staking XGT or LP to access the IDO

Once you’ve got some XGT in your wallet, then follow these steps to stake your $XGT:

Go to the Xion Finance Website: https://xion.finance/farm_pool
Open any of the following pools & Stake $XGT according to the $XGT tiers:

IDO/INO Pools Page

3. 48 hours before the IDO sale starts, your $XGT stake will be automatically locked in any of the IDO pools mentioned above.

4. After your stake has been automatically locked, you can view “Your Tier” in the any of the pools mentioned above to see what allocation you have in the IDO.

5. Your $XGT stake will be locked for 5 days after the IDO sale start date.

YouTube Tutorials:

Single Asset Stake XGT For IDOs/INOs
Stake xDAI/XGT LP for IDOs/INOs

$1 Daily Subscription for a Boosted Allocation

Want a 35% boost on your guaranteed allocation!?

Simply subscribe to the $1 daily subscription at least 4 days prior to the Kaon IDO and you will get a 35% boosted allocation on your registered staking tier.

Learn more: https://xionwiki.gitbook.io/xion.finance/faq/ido-ino-booster-membership
Registering for the IDO

To participate in the sale, your $XGT stake in the IDO/INO pools will be automatically locked for 5 days from the start date of the Kaon IDO sale.

We are in the process of implementing a manual lock so that non-IDO participants will not be automatically locked, as well as longer term staking incentives.
Participating in the IDO

Once the Kaon IDO is Live, the guaranteed allocation round will last approximately six (6) hours, followed by an FCFS round which is only for XGT stakers and whitelisted wallets.

You need to complete these steps to participate:

Head to https://xion.finance/shop
Scroll down to Kaon & click ‘Buy Now’
You will be redirected to complete your purchase

Whitelisting FCFS Round

Xion Finance will be doing a whitelist competition, where winners will be able to participate in the Kaon Whitelisting FCFS Round.

Follow the instructions on the Gleam campaign and earn points. The more points you earn the more chances you have to win access into the Whitelisting FCFS Round.

Gleam Campaign >> TBA

Whitelist Round: 50 people with the highest score on the board will get access into the Whitelisting Round. The remaining 150 whitelist people will be randomly selected from the applicants.

All 200 whitelist applicants will be able to participate in Kaon IDO using BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH, DASH, XRP, xDAI, USDT or XGT.

The link for the public whitelist will be shared here once it is live, as well as on official channels >> TBA
Public Round

If there are still allocations left after the whitelisting FCFS round, then anyone can get into the remainder of the sale.
About Xion

By combining the irresistible perks of a Web3 environment, cross-chain capability, loyalty programs and cashback rewards, Xion readies itself to be the game-changer in the global e-commerce and finance industries. Essentially, Xion aims to be a Web3 Stripe facilitating crypto payments for thousands of merchants and their customers when they shop online and at almost zero costs.

Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/Q633ztSpZN