Genshiro IDO Whitelist

Genshiro IDO Whitelist

Closed IDO & IGO Whitelists

Genshiro will launch the IDO on DODOex on June 16. Users will be able to stake BUSD stablecoin in the crowdpooling module and receive GENS in return. GENS price will increase as the amount of staked BUSD increases. This approach is also known as Bonding Curve. Read more about our IDO here.

Sign up for a DODOex account! Every DODOex user can join the whitelist for this IDO. Chosen whitelist addresses will have a 100% guarantee to participate in the IDO. The whitelist opens on June 8 at 12 PM UTC and closes on June 14 at 12 PM UTC. Weā€™ll announce the results of the whitelist on June 15.

Number of Whitelisted Addresses: 450
Individual Hard Cap: 1000 USD
Tokens available for sale: 12,000,000 GENS

❗️If youā€™re ready to join the whitelist, just complete the Gleam form here, then fill out the registration form here.

Not everyone who registers will be added to the whitelist! Our selection process will work on a lottery system. When all the registrations are received, we will draw random wallet addresses to add to the whitelist. The Genshiro team will notify participants by email once their whitelist registration is finalized.

450 addresses will be randomly picked and added to the whitelist. That means that there is a 100% guarantee that these addresses will be able to participate in the IDO.

Good luck!

Complete the Gleam form | Join the IDO whitelist | Participate in the IDO

Read the original post at here