To celebrate the next IDO on CoreStarter, Crypto League Gaming, we are giving away 10 whitelist spots with guaranteed allocations! We will be giving away 2 spots in tier 6, 3 spots in tier 5, and 5 spots in tier 4 to 10 lucky winners! Competition starts at 10am UTC on the 6th of January, and closes on the 13th of January at 4pm UTC.
To enter all you need to do is go and follow both @esports_clg and @CoreStarter, find the pinned post on Crypto Leage Gaming Twitter, like/Quote Re-tweet/tag 3 friends and you are in the draw! Winners will be chosen at random and notified via an announcement in our Telegram channel! To win you MUST follow Crypto League Gaming and CoreStarter as outlined above, we will be checking winners to verify.
To participate in any IDO on CoreStarter you must be KYC’d — if you are new make sure to do this. We will be able to guide you through this if you are unsure how. The competition will close at 4pm UTC on the 13th of January, with the IDO beginning at 10am UTC on the 14th of January.
As with all Corestarter IDO’s the allocation amount for each tier will not be known until after we close registration. This is because all users who are interested need to register to participate in an IDO on CoreStarter. Registration closes and then the allocations are calculated based on total users, tier multiplier, and the size of the raise. Registration opens on the 6th January at 10am UTC and closes on the 13th of January at 6pm UTC. Make sure if you haven’t already, buy your $CSTR on and start staking at today to access a guaranteed allocation!
Please note that all Corestarter IDO’s are conducted on the Solana blockchain and you will need to have USDC to purchase $CLG and some $SOL in your wallet for the transaction fee. You MUST only complete one transaction when making your purchase. DO NOT do a sample of a small number and then try to purchase more as you will be unable. In our contracts it is written each wallet can only perform one transaction to prevent any bots or hackers taking advantage of CoreStarter.
If you have any more questions you can head to our telegram chat and our team will be able to help you there! Make sure to join the Crypto League Gaming telegram channel for updates on the latest releases and Games to join the platform!