BSCLaunch Staking on CheersLand

$BSL is listed on Multi-asset Staking Platform of CheersLand

We’re glad to announce that $BSL is now listed on Multi-asset Staking Platform of CheersLand. All users can stake $BSL to earn HP, the universal ticket for the games based on CheersLand, and enjoy the journey of Play2Earn without payment. The Staking Minimum of $BSL is 300 and the Staking Duration is 24 hours. $BSL Token Contract: Buy $BSL now: 👉>>Stake2Earn […]

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CheersLand Giveaway Round 2

CheersLand Giveaway Round 2

CheersLand is going to participate in Solana Ignition Hackathon in hackerlink. We appreciate that you might like to vote for CheersLand and win Airdrop of $CHEERS after our TGE. The process is as follows: Step 1: Get a Phantom Wallet👉 Tips: Please make sure that you have enough balance of USDC (at least 1USDC […]

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